Learn how to transform your Christmas tree into a snow covered flocked Christmas tree using snoflock, a flocking powder and water.

Snoflock is made from wood pulp (cellulose) and adhesive so it’s environmentally safe, non toxic and biodegradable, which means that you can put in on a live tree and then dispose of normally.
This can be done with one person, but a helper is always a bonus because your hand will get tired from squirting the water bottle so much!

In the past I have also used spray snow in a can if I wanted the whole tree really, really white. I just spray it on before I use the flock.

How to flock a Christmas tree
- Cover the floor and surrounding area because the flock will stick to whatever it lands on.
- Put lights on the tree before flocking. This prevents knocking the flock off as you mess with the lights.
- Unplug the lights.
- Pour the snoflock into the sifter.
- Wet down a section of tree with the spray bottle of water.
- Sift the snoflock onto the tree that’s already wet and then spray the snoflock onto the tree as you go.
- Keep going until your happy with it. I put on a lot and do layers!
- Don’t be afraid to throw some flock into a space that you can’t get to with the sifter.
- Mist the tree down again with water when you’re finished to make sure you got every spot.
- Let dry for 24 hours without touching!
- Decorate or just leave the lights.
Materials List for flocking a tree
Here is how I decorated a small flocked tree last Christmas for my guest bedroom.
How to flock a Christmas tree video tutorial
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I flock a real Christmas Tree?
Absolutely! Snoflock is non toxic and made from wood pulp so you can flock a real christmas tree and dispose of as you normally would.
How long does the flocking last on a Christmas Tree?
As long as it is applied correctly, the flock will last for years. I have one tree that I flocked 5-6 years ago that still looks fantastic!
Does the flock get everywhere?
The flock will come off a little on your clothes if you brush up against it and a little will float down as you are decorating the tree. Otherwise, it stays on just fine.
Can I use a glue to make flock stay on longer?
There is a Snoglue product available especially for artificial trees that is supposed to help the flock stay on longer, but I have not tried it out yet.
Go on and try something new! You won’t regret trying this out. It always turns out beautiful.
Emily 🙂